Fire Damage Repair, Greensboro, NC

HomeDisaster Repair, Greensboro, NCFire Damage Repair, Greensboro, NC

Rid your home of fire damage by trusting our experienced team.

If your home caught fire due to a storm, a faulty heating system, or another accident, you may be lucky enough that the house is still standing. However, you may have fire damage to contend with. Not only is fire damage aesthetically unappealing, but it is also hazardous for your family’s health. For instance, soot particles can aggravate respiratory problems like asthma, introduce toxic chemicals, cause eye or skin irritation, increase the risk of future fires, and carry a strong and unpleasant odor. Fires can also cause structural instability. For these reasons, it’s important to work with trustworthy, experienced professionals for the high-quality fire damage repair services you need.

Fire Damage Repair in Greensboro, North Carolina

If you’re searching for reliable professionals who offer fire damage repair services in Greensboro, North Carolina, there’s no better team for the job than ours at Tri-Co Contractors, Inc. We’ve been providing fire damage repair services throughout the community for over two decades. We have the right knowledge, construction skills, equipment, and attitude to make your home safe and pleasant again.

We will thoroughly assess the damage when we arrive at your home and develop a plan for addressing every problematic area. You can count on our team to remove the affected materials, clean up residue, and replace any unsalvageable features using only high-quality materials. We strive to make your home even better than it was before, and we will work with great attention to detail to ensure your satisfaction.

If you would like to schedule fire damage repair services for your home or your business, contact us today to speak with someone on our team.